Sunday, 7 February 2010

Society of William Wallace Newsletter January 2010

Dear Members,

As you know, our late Convenor, David R. Ross, used to pen a newsletter, which was attached & sent out with the monthly minutes of each meeting of the Society.

Let me say that no-one will be able to do all the tasks that David did. I just thought I should write this newsletter as a tribute to David as a one-off.

No one person could possibly do all the things that David seemed to juggle effortlessly. What we can do, is share the workload that he carried on his broad shoulders.

He will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered. We have so many cherished memories. So many moving encounters; so many daft, madcap episodes in our lifetime together. It is still difficult to accept that he won’t be here any more, but he would have been the first to urge us to “just to get on with it.”

We will miss a dear friend, but Scotland will miss one of her greatest champions. His stance resembled that of Willam Wallace, in the fact that, in matters pertaining to the wellbeing of Scotland, he was unbending. There was no grey area, it was either black or white. You were either for Scotland or not.

When his many friends met at the crematorium, well over an hour before the appointed time, we hugged & exchanged tales & anecdotes of the Big Man. And there were plenty of them. It was an important part of the grieving process. Everyone had the same thoughts of Davie. He did so much for so many people, & was always there with a helping hand & a ready smile.

Our friend, Ted Christopher, did a magnificent job at the funeral. Although emotionally very difficult, Ted managed to find just the right words to convey what we were all thinking. When he sang three of the most important songs in Davie’s life, he managed to do so admirably. A testament to his sheer professionalism.

When he sang “Scot’s Whe Hae”, I swear I could hear the Big Man’s voice shouting, “Gi’e it laldy, Ted”, as I’d heard him often do before.

As mourners began to file out of the crematorium, the strains of the Bay City Rollers, “Shang-A-Lang” were heard softly through the PA system.

I could feel him smiling over my shoulder, that big broad grin that we had come to know & love.

We have been through a lot together. And facing a new year without Davie Ross will be an enormous struggle for everyone. Davie spoke not only for our Society, but for many other societies & organisations, at many events throughout the year. Everyone will just have to move up a gear.

Whatever doesn’t break us makes us stronger, & we will move forward, hand in hand, to take whatever life decides to throw at us. As Davie often said, “We Scots are a resilient lot!”

David had planned to tour with Albannach and over forty American Albannach fans in March this year to show them the sites and explore our wonderful country's history with them, alas it was not to be but everyone on the tour agreed that it should go ahead and be dedicated in David's honour.

Our American friends would very much like to meet up with like minded people, especially those who knew David and have arranged an evenings entertainment with the wonderful Ted Christopher and Albannach at the Three Sisters in Edinburgh's Cowgate. Apologies for it being on a Sunday but it was all arranged at very short notice. This night will be in memory of David and donations will be gratefully accepted with all monies going to Bannockburn 2014 and the Wallace Coffin fund.

The evenings entertainment will be free as the bands have waived their fee so hopefully we can raise a serious amount of cash for this most worthiest of causes!

Respectfully yours,

Duncan Fenton: Vice Convenor, Society of William Wallace.

1 comment:

  1. I have a blog about Scottish history and I would be more then glad to put a link to this blog on mine. I really love what you're doing and I would like the spread the word!
    -Slainte, Hazel
